This blog documents my quest for electornic (handheld) games, mostly from the late 70's and 80's, but also for more modern devices from the 90' up to today.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tiger Handheld

In 1997, Tiger Electronics, Ltd. diverged from their traditional line of pocket sized LCD games and made a programmable system. What they came up with was the Game.Com. The original Game.Com as shown below featured two cartridge slots on the right side for placing games. Both could be utilized at start up, as the system asked the user which cartridge they would like to play. The system came with a limited speech function. The unit also used a stylus pen with a touch based screen for their system functions. Functions programmed in the system included a calendar, calculator, address book, and solitaire.

The device I aquired recently is boxed and almost mint :).
I also got 3 cartridges with games.

Heres a picture of my device:

and a picture of the box:

more info about this device can be found here:


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