This blog documents my quest for electornic (handheld) games, mostly from the late 70's and 80's, but also for more modern devices from the 90' up to today.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Coleco Total Control 4

New ebay arrival: Coleco Total Control 4, including all 4 known cardridges (Hockey, Soccer, Football und Basketball).
Well, its kinda handheld game, so I had to get it ;)

It is a fairly simple cartridge based sports game system for up to 4 players. It was sold with the football cartridge (which is the entire orange area in the picture).
Three other sports games were available: Basketball, Hockey and Soccer. They were all sold together as an add-on pack for the game.

1981, LED, 2 9 Volts batteries, Model# 2125, Cartridge add-on pack Model# 2129

Interesting note: The cartridges aren't really cartridges at all, basically just game overlays and a switch to tell the system which game to play. The only thing in the cartidges is a little circuit board that connects certain contacts together:


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